Monday, July 12, 2010


So I decided to put my butt on the newly bought scale and "BAM" just like a thought, 214lbs. Well I guess when you look at the actual numbers that's when it hits you. I think my butt should at least TRY to go down to under 200 lbs so I don't feel like a complete cow. HAHA!

If it doesn't happen I'm still having the operation. This chunk of hanging skin has gotta go!

I'm still trying to build the courage for the "BELLY PIC". I know thought, that if I take the pic that the reality will slap me in the face. So my next blog will include the "tub of lard of a belly".

Dieting is really not my thing, especially that I made a slamming lasagna last night. Lasagna is ALWAYS better the next day! So as I go into the fridge to go for the "yogurt" the lasagna is there in all it's deliciousness speaking to me, "eat me, you know you wanna". I have resisted so far but I know the temptation will prevail and I will be eating it soon enough. I hope it's true that maybe I'm lactose intolerant so I can stop the temptation but I guess today I will learn the hard way.

I'm going for now.... pray for me as I take these pics... urgh!

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